Let's Get Real
Hi, I'm Nina Simonds, a leadership and relationship coach, and Let's Get Real is about having REAL (relevant, engaging, authentic leadership) conversations with people who inspire me. My guests are business leaders, learning professionals, and social impact entrepreneurs who are working toward a more inclusive and equitable world. We explore personal experiences that have been catalysts for their growth and share some of the key concepts and tools that support effective and inclusive leadership to give you the confidence to lead and love well.
Let's Get Real
Co-Active Leadership with Edwin Vega
Edwin Vega, is a Certified Executive & Leadership Development Coach and Facilitator who specializes in leading customized retreats for leaders in the tech and pharmaceutical industries, particularly focusing on team building, trust and maximizing team performance. In this episode we explored the power of the check-in when working with teams and the transformative impact of the Co-Active Leadership program. We also talked about our hopes and concerns about the current state of DEIB.
Edwin's LinkedIn
Faith Fuller episode
Co-Active Leadership Program
Nina Simonds Coaching
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