Let's Get Real
Hi, I'm Nina Simonds, a leadership and relationship coach, and Let's Get Real is about having REAL (relevant, engaging, authentic leadership) conversations with people who inspire me. My guests are business leaders, learning professionals, and social impact entrepreneurs who are working toward a more inclusive and equitable world. We explore personal experiences that have been catalysts for their growth and share some of the key concepts and tools that support effective and inclusive leadership to give you the confidence to lead and love well.
Let's Get Real
José Trinidad Castaneda on Climate Justice
José Trinidad Castaneda (he/they) is a rising star in fighting for climate change and clean energy in Orange County. He is the Orange County Policy Manager with Climate Action Campaign and currently serves on the City of Fullerton Planning Commission. He is also the Communications Director for the Lavender Democrats of Orange County. José opened up about early experiences that shaped his passion for climate action and social justice. Nina and José also talked about the intersection between public policy issues such as housing and climate and the importance of approaching social change holistically. He also shared where he feels the greatest sense of belonging and what inspires him to keep in the fight for a sustainable planet and a more equitable world.
Nina Simonds Coaching Peer Groups
Climate Action Campaign
José Trinidad Castaneda
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Lavender Democrats
Nina Simonds Coaching
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